
4265ed6951daabfdda3e446c6d52cc81cf84bb12 — Storm Dragon 2 years ago ef23fc7 master
Some quest objective complete sounds added for Sector 7.
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M modules/quest.tin
M modules/quest.tin => modules/quest.tin +7 -0
@@ 1,3 1,10 @@
#ACTION {^You notice this particular vice is carrying a bag of heavy metal tools, and realize these must be the tools Mack was looking for.$}
    SEQ_PLAY quest_objective_complete
    Channel_Event improve %0

#ACTION {^You fish out the final ketchin and triumphantly stuff it into the sack.$}
    SEQ_PLAY quest_objective_complete