
72ec04252bd42ef8fe6b242ee6b26ad3e1af9716 — Storm Dragon 2 years ago a22841e master
Some minor cleanup and comment changes.
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M bashtml.sh
M bashtml.sh => bashtml.sh +5 -5
@@ 12,7 12,7 @@
# It is recommended to perform a 'rebuild' after changing any of this in the code

# Config file. Any settings "key=value" written there will override the
# global_variables defaults. Useful to avoid editing bb.sh and having to deal
# global_variables defaults. Useful to avoid editing bashtml.sh and having to deal
# with merges in VCS

@@ 230,7 230,7 @@ get_html_file_content() {
#	"full" to edit full HTML, and not only text part (keeps old filename)
#	leave empty for default behavior (edit only text part and change name)
edit() {
    [[ ! -f "${1%%.*}.html" ]] && echo "Can't edit post "${1%%.*}.html", did you mean to use \"bb.sh post <draft_file>\"?" && exit -1
    [[ ! -f "${1%%.*}.html" ]] && echo "Can't edit post "${1%%.*}.html", did you mean to use \"${0##*/} post <draft_file>\"?" && exit -1
    # Original post timestamp
    edit_timestamp=$(LC_ALL=C date -r "${1%%.*}.html" +"$date_format_full" )
    touch_timestamp=$(LC_ALL=C date -r "${1%%.*}.html" +"$date_format_timestamp")

@@ 471,7 471,7 @@ write_entry() {
        # guess format from TMPFILE
        [[ $extension == md || $extension == html ]] && fmt=$extension
        # but let user override it (bb.sh post -html file.md)
        # but let user override it (bashtml.sh post -html file.md)
        [[ $2 == -html ]] && fmt=html
        # Test if Markdown is working before re-posting a .md file
        if [[ $extension == md ]]; then

@@ 762,7 762,7 @@ list_tags() {
    if [[ $2 == -n ]]; then do_sort=1; else do_sort=0; fi

    ls ./$prefix_tags*.html &> /dev/null
    (($? != 0)) && echo "No posts yet. Use 'bb.sh post' to create one" && return
    (($? != 0)) && echo "No posts yet. Use '${0##*/} post' to create one" && return

    for i in $prefix_tags*.html; do

@@ 785,7 785,7 @@ list_tags() {
# Displays a list of the posts
list_posts() {
    ls ./*.html &> /dev/null
    (($? != 0)) && echo "No posts yet. Use 'bb.sh post' to create one" && return
    (($? != 0)) && echo "No posts yet. Use '${0##*/} post' to create one" && return
